Monday, April 11, 2011

First Trip to Fukushima

Yesterday's experience in Iwaki, Fukushima (500 kilometers round trip) put all of those Television images into a personal perspective. Granted, it was but one of hundreds of evacuation centers, but the plight of those people is unimaginable. They are very strong folks, and being in the position to bring them some cheer with music is beyond explaining. Let's just say that I can't wait to return to meet our new friends and then go on to other locations. Everyone's prayers are starting to take affect... slowly but surely. One very sweet man told me of literally being chased by the tsunami to high ground with his family in tow... only to see his house completely destroyed. He was so cheerful, saying that he had lost everything, but admitted that it was just a few days ago that he was able to pull out of a very deep emotional pit and finally sleep at night. When the large aftershock took place 4 days ago, he said he found it hard to sleep again.
As he put it, "it warmed my heart to hear your songs, but I wanted to ask for an encore when you had to stop". We were all packed up to go and he said he loved the song by the Carpenters, "Top of the World", so we pulled out the guitars and had a mini second stage for him outside the High School auditorium where the 250 people are housed. I'll never forget his smile. We left, promising to return. And we will.

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