Wednesday, June 24, 2009

OMG ....forced into slave labour blogging by ...

... well meaning loved ones. Am I really doing this. What better a world will there be when my fingers have exhausted themselves...????

As for waxing blog intelligent, let me stand on the 5th and say I cannot incriminate myself. Therefore to those that wrote in encouraging me to ramble....
ramble, to be defined as "continue talking or writing in a desultory manner"... OK, I can live with that.... but lets get down here, and
define desultory:
marked by lack of definite plan or regularity or purpose; jumping from one thing to another;

well, if nothing else, consider yourself, dear blogger, educated one step higher in the delights of verbal tennis with desultory as one of your aces. Bye for another year (lol) {or whatever that means}... and take care of yourselves.

Loving all of you, as always,
Blog Bless... I mean.....


Dossy and Bossy said...

Oh Daddiya, methinks after midnight blogging has made thee maudulin. And if you didn't want your loved ones to force you into things, you shouldn't have had 8+ bossy daughters. Amen?

James Rudow said...

Alas.... trapped by fate. Like the Chinese building railroads and the blacks farming Georgia... (a bit too heavy on the parallel).... I must just submit to Mr. Fate.

Yes, after midnight is where it's at. Now, just where that is, well, lets ponder that for a moment. Moments up.

Nothing in particular got through, so lets just chalk it up to maddness in treasureland.
(think about that for a moment) ... moments up.

WELL BOSSY....(appropriate name, I might add with a huff....) Nice to hear from you. I might hit a string of thoughtless nights, spilling my madness across this blogger ville, but so is life.

Don't think about that for a moment.

Gotta go... nothing to do and I am starting to think about ...things...,
dangerous ground.
bye for now, and Blog Bless You.

Dossy and Bossy said...

Also, maybe lay off the crack pipe. ha ha ha ha.